Sunday, February 21, 2016


Today my son was very excited to go to church.And it was all because of a young lady. A young lady that he has been talking about lately but not necessarily talking to. Like most 13 year olds he is not very talkative or demonstrative with his feelings, heck some days he isn't even very likeable. Immediately after Sunday school my child made his way to the sanctuary. While the adults are getting settled and situating young children, my child approached this young lady's father. He has never talked to or met this man but he boldly went up him and asked for permission to ask his daughter to the upcoming dance at their school. I was, of course, watching from across the room and saw a nod of the head and then I breathed a sigh of relief. Later I found that my son had also asked this gentlemen, after getting an ok, to keep this information on the "down low" as he was preparing a surprise way to ask her. I am not sure of the details of this surprise plan. I know it involves two teachers agreeing to let them out of class for a few minutes, posterboard, and maybe a friend or two to help. Please say yes, young lady. I know my child well enough to know that he must think you are very special to go through this process and put himself out there. Please say yes. Dating is hard. Parenting is harder.

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